and polarization analysis
Jacques Schweizer
DSM/DRFMC/SPSMS/MDN, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
neutron carries a spin , which is an internal angular momentum with the quantum number s=1/2
This means that the eigenvalues of operator
2 is s(s+1)
2 and the eigen values of
operator sz are ms = ±1/2
matrices are the matrices representing the operator
The neutron carries a
magnetic moment where
is the nuclear Bohr magneton and
= -1.913 is the value of the
neutron magnetic moment expressed in nuclear Bohr magnetons.
gyromagnetic ratio of the neutron , which has not to be confused with
, is the ratio between the magnetic moment and the spin moment:
= -1.832 108 rad s-1
are both negative, which means
that the magnetic moments and the spin of the neutron are opposed one to the
If |+> and |-> represent the 2 states
"up" and "down" along Oz, corresponding to ms =1/2 and
ms =-1/2, the spin wave function of a neutron can be written:
|c> = a|+> + b|->
where a and b are two complex quantities such
|a|2 + |b|2 =1.
polarization of one neutron is defined as = <
> = <
>, where < > means the
quantum average value. This vectorial relation stands for:
px = <sx>
py = <sy>
pz = <sz>
is very important to note that, contrarily to
which are quantum operators, the polarization
, the components of which are quantum average
values, is a classical vector, and can be treated consequently.
It is therefore possible to prepare a neutron beam in such a way that it is polarized along a given direction. It is also possible to analyze the direction of a scattered beam.
We shall review the different methods using polarization :
neutrons without polarization analysis
-longitudinal polarization analysis when the polarization of the scattered beam is analyzed along the direction of the incoming polarization
-spherical (or 3-dimension) analysis when the polarization of the scattered beam is analyzed along the 3 directions of space