Representation analysis of the magnetic structures
Jacques Schweizer
38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
a crystalline material, the magnetic moments are submitted to exchange
interactions, with an energy U0 which, expanded
at the order two, can be written as:
where the represent the
components of the magnetic moments
, l and l' labelling the crystal cells, j and j' the magnetic
atoms in the cell, and a and b the axes x, y or z, and where the
are the exchange
interactions between the components of the magnetic atoms. At higher
temperatures, in the paramagnetic state, there is no long range order of the
magnetic moments, but only magnetic fluctuations which represent a certain
tendency to short range order. When cooling down the material, the range of one
of these fluctuations increases and, below a caracteristic temperature, one of
them transforms into a long range order : a magnetic structure has been
established. Such a structure can be described in terms of propagation vectors k and Fourier components
(one Fourier vector
per atom j in the
unit cell).
where k
is the propagation vector k (mono-k
structure), or one of the propagation vectors (multi-k structure).
the expression of given by (2), the
magnetic energy becomes
where is the Fourier
transform of
and can be defined
practice, the propagation vector k
is determined from neutron diffraction by indexing the magnetic diagramme.
Then, the magnetic structure can be determined by comparing the intensities of
the magnetic reflections to those which are expected from the possible
arrangements of the magnetic moments in the unit cell. The number of these
possible arrangements is considerably reduced when restricting to those which
are compatible with the symmetry of the crystal. Particularly, when the
magnetic order establishes from the paramagnetic state through a second order
phase transition, it is very fruitful to apply the Landau theory for phase
transitions of this type. This approach classifies the magnetic fluctuations
according to the symmetry of the different irreducible representations of the
little group Gk (the group of vector k). Actually, it states that, in order to keep the magnetic energy
(3) invariant under all the symmetry operations of Gk, the magnetic structures must be built from basis
vectors belonging to only one of the irreducible representations of Gk.
this lecture we shall review :
is a group
is the representation of a group
is the magnetic representation
is an irreducible representation
to decompose the magnetic representation into its irreducible representations
to find the basis vectors of the irreducible representations
we shall discuss the action of the time reversal operator on the magnetic
energy. This operator, reversing the velocities, and then the directions of the
electric currents, reverses the direction of the magnetic moments (
) which are axial vectors. But, being an antilinear
operator, it also conjugates the Fourier components which are complex vectors
. Therefore, instead of working with representations and
irreducible representations, as for linear operators, when introducing the time
reversal operator, we are obliged to use the theory of corepresentations and
irreducible corepresentations introduced by Wigner.