
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
David Le Bolloc'h, France
Coherent X-ray diffraction and phase transition.
David Le Bolloc'h, Laboratoire de physique des solides
bât510, Université Paris Sud, France
Thanks to the high brilliance of third generation synchrotron sources, partially coherent X-ray beams can be obtained. From such coherent X-ray beams, diffraction experiments, either static or dynamic, can be performed in an large variety of physical phenomena.
The talk will be focused on the concepts of coherence of light, from visible light first, to hard X-rays. We will show that coherent diffraction is able to probe static object with the possibility to obtain the phase of the diffracted beam in the case of simple problems. An example of the coherent diffraction of dislocations of an electronic system will be given. The coherent diffraction is also able to measure the relaxation time a large variety of samples, and thus probe a large domain in the phase space, especially slow dynamics at the nanometer scale which is obtained with difficulty by others techniques.