
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
Financial support
A limited number of Young Scientists Awards will be granted to students
and scientists up to 30 years old (occasionally 35 years old).
Interested persons may apply by writing directly to us with
information on whether they wish to present any poster, and if so, what
would be its title, list of authors, affiliations and a short abstract. A
letter of support from the supervisor should be either attached or sent
independently by the supervisor.
We are very happy to announce that we have finally succeeded in applying
for INTAS funds (INTAS, the International Association for the promotion of
cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former
Soviet Union (NIS), promotes joint scientific activities between the INTAS
Members and the NIS, see www.intas.be). These awards are addressed
especially to young scientists from New Independent States and are covering
most of subsistence and travel costs.
A number of grants are available from funding provided by the scientific network MAG-EL-MAT (New materials for magnetoelectronics), http://www.ifmpan.poznan.pl/MAG-EL-MAT/. Participants from institutions registered in the network are eligible for grant of 80 Euro which covers school's fee. Applicants are kindly asked to contact directly Co-ordinator of the network magelmat@ifmpan.poznan.pl.