
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
Krzysztof Szymañski, Poland
Mössbauer spectroscopy with the use of polarized radiation
Krzysztof Szymañski, Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok, Poland
Recoilless absorption of electromagnetic radiation by nucleus depends on the polarization of photon and its direction. These properties can be used for determination of interactions of nuclear spin with electronic surrounding. Mössbauer nucleus serves as an isotopic selective probe sensitive for direction of local magnetization and electric field gradient. Methodology and applications of the Mössbauer spectroscopy with the use of polarized radiation will be reviewed as follow:
1. Advantages of polarized radiation
2. Probability of resonant absorption
3. The intensity tensor
4. Ambiguity problem in Mössbauer spectroscopy
5. Mössbauer sources of polarized radiation
- radioactive monochromatic
- radioactive non-monochromatic
- synchrotron
6. Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy with polarized radiation
7. Mössbauer polarimetry
8. Applications
- determination of direction of the magnetic field
- multilayers
- ferrimagnetic systems
- disordered magnetic materials