
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
Hiromichi Adachi
Photon Factory, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Magnetic X-ray scattering of ferromagnetic materials
The x-ray scattering which depends on the electronic spin or magnetic moment
is commonly called magnetic x-ray (or x-ray magnetic) scattering. Its
application to the magnetic-materials science has spread in parallel with
the development of the synchrotron-radiation technology which enables us to
use the intense polarized x-ray beam. Now that synchrotron-radiation
facilities have become much more accessible in comparison with one or two
decades ago, it may be worth considering what the magnetic x-ray scattering
could possibly do for your (future) work.
The major branches of magnetic x-ray scattering are the magnetic Compton
scattering and the Bragg one (diffraction). The latter is further classified
as resonant or non-resonant. In the lecture, within the limits of the
experiments for ferromagnetic materials, an outline of these three
techniques will be given.