
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
A few grants are available from funding provided by the scientific network MAG-EL-MAT (New materials for magnetoelectronics), http://www.ifmpan.poznan.pl/MAG-EL-MAT/. Applicants are kindly asked to contact directly Co-ordinator of the network magelmat@ifmpan.poznan.pl.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Unfortunately, this financial support is limited to Polish
participants only because of national character of MAG-EL-MAT Network. There
will be given priority to persons collaborating within Network.
Students and post-docs affiliated with Europe, but outside of Poland, can apply for support (travel and subsistence) from NMI3 funds (Integrated infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy) http://neutron.neutron-eu.net/n_nmi3/.
Interested persons may apply by writing directly to us school@alpha.uwb.edu.pl with information on whether they wish to present any poster, and if so, what would be its title, list of authors, affiliations and a short abstract. A letter of support from the supervisor should be either attached or sent independently by the supervisor. Neutron science or muon spectroscopy will be strongly preferred.