
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
19th International Summer School on Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter was held from July 7th
to July 14th, 2007 in Bialowieza, Poland.
Click here for more conference photos...
Scope of the School
- magnetic interactions
- magnetic structures
- experimental methods of measuring spin structures and dynamics
- magnetic phase transitions and critical phenomena
- from macro- to nanoscale magnets
- from conventional electronics to spintronics
The School has a long tradition and serves as a good meeting point for scientists and students from both East and West. Its main role is educational. Therefore, it consists of a series of short courses, 2-4 hours each. The School is known for giving the opportunity to young scientists, undergraduate, and PhD students, to learn about the present status of important solid-state problems. The teaching staff ensures a high tutorial level; the lectures and short courses, require only a basic knowledge of the physics and chemistry of solids.
The International Schools
of Condensed Matter Physics till 1997 were traditionally held in
Bialowieza, Poland. From 1998 the Schools were organized in
Suprasl. We returned to our roots in 2003, and since then the School has been held in Bialowieza, the place where it originated and developed.The small village Bialowieza lies in the woods called Puszcza Bialowieska, 100 km East from
Bialystok. Accommodation in the "Bialowieski" hotel consists mainly of double-bed rooms with high standard equipment. Local
buses provide service from Bialowieza to Bialystok.
The official language of the School is English.
In general, young scientists, and PhD students
can present their achievements during the permanent poster session only. The poster dimensions shouldn't
exceed [vertical 1.5m x horizontal 1.0m]. However if you need more space, let us know
about it as quickly as possible and we shall do our best to satisfy
your needs. We expect to receive information (title and abstract) on the proposed presentation not later than March 31st, 2007 ...prolonged to April 15th, 2007. Although the School consists mainly of the short courses given by the invited teachers, very few papers and/or posters will be accepted for 20 minutes presentation in oral form during special session. We are going to prepare Book of Abstracts.
The informal Proceedings from our School in the form of CD-ROM will appear, as after previous three Schools.
The materials will be reproduced directly from the files submitted by the Authors, unless apparent errors will be found and would need corrections. In order to be efficient, the deadline for submission the Power Point or pdf files is 15th of October 2007, and we would be particularly happy if they would be submitted at the beginning of the School to our Secretariat.
The full board 450 EUR including school fee (100 EUR) and covering all local expenses (350 EUR for accompanying persons), should be paid before 1st of May, 2007, with the note: "School on Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter", to the Bank account:
BANK BPH S.A. Centrum Korporacyjne
15-950 Bialystok, ul.Rynek Kosciuszki 7
Swift code: BPHKPLPK
Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku
ul. M.C.-Sklodowskiej 14
15-097 Bialystok
All international payments must be made in Euro. Please note that exchange rates vary on a daily basis and credit card payments may include small additional charges due to the necessary currency conversions. Participants from Poland must pay the equivalent in Polish Zlotys (PLN) at the day of payment according to the NBP mid-rate of exchange.
The fee will increase by 100 EUR if paid after 1st of May, 2007.
Single rooms will be available at the extra cost of 100 EUR.
Participants who will need the Polish visa are kindly asked to apply to the School Secretary for an invitation letter.
Current information about connections from Warsaw to Bialystok is available on our Website (to be updated). For participants from outside POLAND, who are coming by plane to Warsaw Airport (Okecie) we recommend the bus connection to Bialystok. Please, check the page GETTING HERE.
Although the level of theft is not much higher than in many other countries, please, be careful and keep all your documents, money and belongings under control.
- Registration application
May 1st, 2007
- Paper submission
Preliminary titles and abstracts: March 31th, 2007...prolonged to April 15th, 2007
Final abstracts: May 1st, 2007
Papers: October 15th, 2007
Scientific Freedom Policy Statement
The Organizing Committee of the International School on the Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter: "Spectroscopy of Modern Materials" shall observe a basic policy of nondiscrimination and affirms the rights of scientists throughout the world to adhere or to associate with international scientific activity without restrictions based on nationality, race, color, age, religion, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language, or sex, in accordance with the Statues on the International Council of Scientific Unions. At this meeting no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.
We wish you a comfortable journey.
Looking forward to seeing you in Bialowieza.
Eugeniusz Zukowski (Chairman of the School)
Krystyna Perzynska (Scientific Secretary)
e-mail: school@alpha.uwb.edu.pl
tel. +48 (0) 85 745 7214
fax. +48 (0) 85 745 7223