
Organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bialystok
Pierre J. Becker
SPMS Ecole Centrale, Paris, France
From localized to delocalized aspects of magnetism
- I. Atomic magnetism - 15 min
Spin and orbital magnetic moments.
Coupling of spins. Spin - orbit interactions.
The role of magnetism on atomic structure and spectra: Hund's rule and fine structure (L-S vs J-J coupling).
Nuclear magnetism.
- II. Magnetic properties of molecules and complexes - 15 min
Timeliness of molecular magnetism.
The pecularity of transition elements compounds: crystal and ligand field - orbital quenching, Jahn Teller effect.
- III. Magnetic Interactions - 10 min
Spin pairing and molecular magnetism: exchange interactions - direct / indirect exchange.
- IV. Condensed systems, solids. Magnetic ordering - 20 min
From molecules to condensed matter. Correlation between structure and magnetic properties. Bulk vs surfaces.
Ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic ordering.
Other types of ordering: ferrimagnetism, helimagnetism, spin glasses.
Basic concerning phase transition mechanisms.
- V. Observation of magnetism: an outlook - 10 min
Macroscopic observations of magnetism.
Magnetism and spectroscopy.
Magnetic resonance.
X Ray and neutron scattering.
- VI. The minimal description of spin and magnetic properties of matter: one and two particle reduced density matrices - 10 min
From N-body to two and one particle description of electronic properties: reduced density matrices.
The special case of charge and momentum densities, including their spin dependence.
Magnetism through Neutrons and X Rays.
- I. Magnetic scattering by neutrons and X Rays. Role of polarization - 15 min
Basic description of magnetic scattering. Added values from combined X Ray and neutron studies.
- II. From simple to complex systems - 15 min
A survey of some past key studies concerning diverse types of materials.
- III. Modulated magnetic structures - 10 min
Some illustrations, including personal studies.
- IV. Recent studies of molecular magnetism. Photo-induced magnetism - 20 min
The present relevance of such studies towards nano-sciences. Some recent examples.
- V. Time resolved experiments - 10 min
Basics of time resolved scattering and some illustrative examples.
- VI. Final remarks - 10min
The importance of combined studies on a given system. From density to density matrix modelling.