
Organized by
the Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, University
of Bialystok
Theof the School is available here.
List of invited speakers and
(tentative) titles of lectures:
- Pierre J. Becker (SPMS Ecole
Centrale, Paris, France) 1. "Basics concerning scattering and diffraction processes: an optical
approach" (~3h), 2. "Charge and Spin densities. A crucial help to master
condensed matter behaviour" (2h), see
- Teresa Borowiak (Faculty of
Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
"Rudiments of crystallography" (4h), see
- Grzegorz Bujacz(Faculty of
Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Technical University of Lodz,
of Protein Crystallization" (4 h), see
- Ludwik Dobrzyński (Faculty
of Physics, University of Bialystok, Poland) "Bayesian Logic and the Maximum Entropy Method",see
- Hartmut Fueß
(Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany) 1. "Structure
determination by synchrotron radiation", see
more..., 2. "Materials Investigations by Transmission Electron Microscopy", see
more..., 3. "Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (Fuel Cells, Batteries)", see
more..., 4. "Microstructure of Piezoceramic Materials", see
- Mariusz Jaskólski
(Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
"Crystallographic studies of biological macromolecules: from atomic
resolution to molecular giants" (3h), see
- Kazuhisa Kakurai (Japan
Atomic Energy Agency, Japan) "Neutrons to study magnetism (especially
in functional materials)" (1h), see
- Takashi Kamiyama (KENS, KEK,
Tsukuba, Japan) "Neutron powder diffraction"
- Andrzej Katrusiak (Faculty
of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
"Crystal-structure solution through centuries", see
- Bohdan Roman Korybut-Daszkiewicz
(Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw,
Poland) "Macrocyclic Metal Complexes as Building Blocks for
Construction of Molecular Devices" , see
- Maciej Kozak (Faculty of
Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland) "Small angle X-ray scattering in structural biology" , see
- Krzysztof Lewiński (Faculty
of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland) "High pressure protein crystallography" (2h), see
- Dieter Michel
(Universität Leipzig, Faculty of Physics and Earth Science,
Germany) "Introduction to high-resolution solid-state NMR spectroscopy" (2h), "NMR on nanostructured materials" (2h),see
- Klaus-Ulrich Neumann(Department
of Physics, Loughborough University, UK) "Shape memory materials", see more..., "Introduction to Multiferroics", see more...
- Bogdan Fryderyk Pałosz(Institute
of High Pressure Physics, Warsaw, Poland) "Application of ordinary powder diffraction to examination of extraordinary properties of nanocrystalline materials " (2h), "Nanocrystals under high-pressure; in situ diffraction studies " (1h), "Effect of thermal atomic vibrations on total and characteristic Bragg scattering of nanocrystaline materials" (1h) see more...
- Damian
Pociecha (Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland) "X-ray diffraction studies of liquid crystalline phase structure", see
- Wojciech Rypniewski
(Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan,
Poland) "Evolution of structure and function of biological
macromolecules", (2h) see more...
- Vandana Vij (AFRL/RZSM,
Edwards AFB, USA)
"Synthesis and Space-Survivability of Polyimides
Produced from Novel POSS Dianilines", see more...